Brisco County, Jr. Wiki

A list of all unnamed characters in the series.




An announcer at the Horseshoe Club

This announcer worked at the Horseshoe Club and introduced Dixie Cousins to the audience.

Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Kenneth Scott Allen.



A defendant receiving his sentence

This defendant was sentenced to sixty days of hard labor by a judge.

Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Terry Funk.

Female assistant[]

Female assistant

Jonah Collier's assistant

This assistant worked at the San Francisco Gazette and was writing down Jonah Collier's dictation about John Bly's escape and the Westerfield Club's hiring of bounty hunter Brisco County, Jr.

She seemed diligent in her work, and she even tried to help Collier scratch his casted arms when they became itchy. Collier grew annoyed and told her to sit down, however.

Appearances: "Pilot"
She was portrayed by Melissa Behr.



A judge in San Francisco

This judge was busy sentencing troublemakers to sixty days of labor, but Brisco convinced him to forego the charges for himself, with the help of his knowledge of laws.

Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Bert Remsen.

Male clerk[]

Male clerk

A clerk at the San Francisco Gazette

This clerk worked at the San Francisco Gazette. He listened as Jonah Collier recounted his tale of John Bly's escape from the prison train that was carrying him. The clerk laughed when Collier stated that the scenery on a giant painted rock placed on the track by the John Bly gang in order to stop the train was "no more believable than the backdrops down at the Horseshoe Club".

The clerk seemed to be one of Collier's assistants, as he held a cigar for the writer and later tried to help him scratch his casted arms which had become itchy.

He wondered whether Lord Bowler was the bounty hunter hired by Socrates Poole on behalf of the "five tycoons" of the Westerfield Club, but Collier clarified that they had instead hired Brisco County, Jr., the son of Marshal County. The clerk was surprised to find out that the marshal had a son.

Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Mark Silence.



A sailor at the Horseshoe Club

This sailor was enjoying some time at the Horseshoe Club and was among those enthralled by Dixie Cousins' performance.

Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by J.T. Chinn. He received no credit for his appearance.

Saloon girl[]

Appearances: "Pilot"
She was portrayed by Kirsten Holmquist. She received no credit for her appearance.

Stagecoach driver no.1[]

Stagecoach driver no

A drunken stagecoach driver

This stagecoach driver, along with his partner, got drunk while taking Brisco and Dixie Cousins from San Francisco to the mountains near Sacramento.

Listed as Stagecoach driver #1 in the credits.
Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Jerry Potter.

Stagecoach driver no.2[]

Stagecoach driver no

A drunken stagecoach driver

This stagecoach driver, along with his partner, got drunk while taking Brisco and Dixie from San Francisco to the mountains near Sacramento.

Listed as Stagecoach driver #2 in the credits.
Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Lloyd "Sunshine" Parker.

Telegraph clerk[]

Telegraph clerk

A telegraph clerk in Sutter Creek

This telegraph clerk lived and worked in Sutter Creek. He wired a message to San Francisco for Brisco that was written in Latin.

Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Frank Vlastnik.



Stanyon's Cafe waiter

This waiter worked at Stanyon's Cafe and served Brisco during his first encounter with Lord Bowler.

Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Armando Ortega.

Government and military personnel[]



A scientist studying the Orb

This scientist was documenting an Orb before it was to be taken by the federal government to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C., where he would study it further.

Appearances: "Pilot", "The Orb Scholar" (Archive footage)
He was portrayed by Norman Merrill.

Wagon driver[]

Wagon driver

A U.S. Government wagon driver

This wagon driver worked for the U.S. Government and was in charge of transporting one of the Orbs to the Smithsonian.

He labelled the crate the Orb was placed in "U.F.O.", short for "unearthed foreign object".

Appearances: "Pilot", "The Orb Scholar" (Archive footage)
He was portrayed by Tom Simmons.


French Canadian gang member[]

Appearances: "The Orb Scholar"
He was portrayed by Leon Melas.



A lookout who worked for Big Smith

This lookout was a member of Big Smith's gang. He guarded their hideout and intercepted a man who came bearing a message for Bly.

Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Rick Dean.

Man on horseback[]

Man on horseback

A man riding on horseback

This man on horseback worked for Big Smith and had been sent to find the person who intruded on Smith's encampment. He came across Brisco County, Jr., going by the alias Kansas Wiley Stafford, kissing Amanda Wickwire, and apologized for intruding when he saw Kansas grow impatient.

Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Al Hansen.

Outlaw no.1[]

Outlaw no

An outlaw who worked for Big Smith

This outlaw was a member of Big Smith's gang. He sat at a table in their hideout while Big Smith explained a plan to rob a government gold train headed for Washington, D.C.

Listed as Outlaw #1 in the credits.
Appearances: "Pilot", "The Orb Scholar" (Archive footage)
He was portrayed by Eric Lawson.

Outlaw no.2[]

Outlaw no

An outlaw who worked for Big Smith

This outlaw was a member of Big Smith's gang. He sat at a table in their hideout while Big Smith explained a plan to rob a government gold train headed for Washington, D.C.

Listed as Outlaw #2 in the credits.
Appearances: "Pilot", "The Orb Scholar" (Archive footage)
He was portrayed by Lego Louis.

Outlaw no.3[]

Outlaw no

An outlaw who worked for Big Smith

This outlaw was a member of Big Smith's gang. He sat at a table in their hideout while Big Smith explained a plan to rob a government gold train headed for Washington, D.C.

Listed as Outlaw #3 in the credits.
Appearances: "Pilot"
He was portrayed by Buck Rooney.